Cigar Humidor LogoCigar Humidor Luxembourg

Feel free to contact us.We are there for you!

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00-20:00 h

Saturday: 09:00-19:00 h

Closed today

See opening hours

Do you have a question? Regarding availability, our cigars or just want to talk to us?

Simply send us a message using the contact form provided or reach us at:

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Where can you find us?

Kirchberg Shopping Center

2 rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg

2nd floor

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00-20:00 h

Saturday: 09:00-19:00 h

Closed today

See opening hours

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2 rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg
©2024 Cigar Humidor Sàrl